Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Curbchek-Reload is now #1 in true crime on Amazon.com

I Don’t know how long it will last but right now Curbchek-reload is #1 in true crime….Me and Ann Rule is #2. 


Curbchek-Reload at #2 on Amazon.com in true crime!

Don't know how long it will last but right now Curbchek-reload is #2 in true crime....Me and Ann Rule! 

I received this from a reader today, Made my day!

I'm so glad you are sharing your stories. I am enjoying reading your books. My best friend was a retired LEO from Long Beach (during the 70's.) I had the pleasure of editing his novel The Cynics a few years ago. Rollie (writing under the name Shelby Jones) has since passed away. He loved telling me his on the beat (and his years as a fighter pilot in Korea and Vietnam) and later his years working for Honeywell and NASA. If he were alive, I know we would be discussing your books. I hope you have more books to share. Again, thanks. Debbie